Contractor Certification
Finding a Registered Contractor in the City of York
A list of all registered contractors is kept current in the city offices. Copies of the most recent lists are also available below.
Registered General Contractors | Registered Mechanical Contractors | |
Registered Plumbing Contractors | Registered Electrical Contractors | |
Certified Water Operators |
Becoming a Registered Contractor in the City of York
All Contractors working within the City of York Zoning Jurisdiction must file a registration form, pay registration fees and meet all registration requirements.
Registration Requirements for All Contractors
- Complete and submit the Contractor Application Form
- Each type of contractor registration requires a fee of $100.00.
- Contractors are required to carry insurance with limits of at least $300,000 Public Liability and $100,000 Property Damage.
- All vehicles used by contractors must have signage attached with company name and phone number.
- Completed forms and attachments may be mailed, dropped off, or emailed.
- Provide a government issued photo ID.
Registration Requirements for Specific Contractors
- General Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee and provide certificate of insurance showing the City of York as "additionally insured."
- Electrical Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee, copy of State of Nebraska Electrical Certification, and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured."
- Mechanical Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee, proof of a passed exam set forth by the ICC or a valid metropolitan license, and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured."
- Plumbing Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee, proof of a passed exam set forth by the ICC or a valid metropolitan license, and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured."
- Utility Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee, approval by Board of Examiners (requires resume of work experience), and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured."
- Water Conditioning Contractors: Annual $100 Registration fee, approval by Board of Examiners (requires a resume of work experience) of the City of York, and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured."
- Grade VI Water Operator Contractor: Annual $100 Registration fee, copy of State of Nebraska Grade VI Water Operator certification, and provide certificate of insurance showing City of York as "additionally insured." (Registered plumbers may register as Grade VI Water Operator for $25 annually.)
- Tree Surgeons: Annual $100 Registration fee and provide certificate of insurance showing the City of York as "additionally insured."
- Garbage/Rubbish Hauler: Annual $100 Registration, proof of insurance and a list of all vehicles used to haul.