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City of York

City Council


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Meet the Council Members


Jeff Pieper

Jeff Pieper has served on the Council since December 2014. His current term expires December 2026. He is currently serving on the Ordinance and Judiciary and Asset Management Committees.

Contact Jeff by emailing him directly

Jeff Pieper photo

Scott VanEsch

Scott VanEsch has served on the Council since December 2018.  His current term expires December 2026.  He is currently serving on the Asset Management and Insurance and Benefits Committees.

Contact Scott by emailing him directly

Scott VanEsch photo

Jerry Wilkinson

Jerry Wilkinson has served on the Council since December 2020.  His current term expires December 2024.  He is currently serving on the Finance and Asset Management Committees.

Contact Jerry by emailing him directly

Tony North

Tony North has served on the Council since December 17, 2020.  His current term expires December 2024.  He is currently serving on the Ordinance and Judiciary and Insurance and Benefits Committees.

Contact Tony by emailing him directly

Tony North photo

Jennifer Sheppard

Jennifer Sheppard has served on the Council since her appointment in 2021.  Her current term expires December 2024.  She is currently serving on the Ordinance and Judiciary and Asset Management Committees.

Contact Jennifer by emailing her directly.

Jennifer Sheppard photo

Stephen Postier

Stephen Postier was elected to the Council in 2022. His current term expires December 2026.  He is currently serving on the Finance and Insurance and Benefits Committees.

Contact Stephen by emailing him directly

Stephen Postier

Vicki Northrop

Vicki Northrop was elected to the Council in 2022. Her current term expires December 2026.  She is currently serving on the Insurance and Benefits and Finance Committees.

Contact Vicki by emailing her directly

Jeff McGregor

 Jeff McGregor was elected to the Council in 2024. His current term expires December 2028.  He is currently serving on the Insurance and Benefits and Finance Committees.

Contact Jeff by emailing him directly