History of York on Display at the Anna Bemis Palmer Museum
Join us at the Anna Bemis Palmer Museum for a captivating display celebrating our city’s rich history! Located at 520 N. Grant, this special exhibition—open until February 28—invites you to explore the moments and milestones . . .
What's Going On?
Want to stay in the know about what’s happening in York—today, tomorrow, or next month? We’ve got you covered! The One County, One Calendar app brings together multiple event calendars into one easy-to-use . . .
York Area Solid Waste Agency - Landfill Closed to Public Trash Receiving
Due to high winds, the York Area Solid Waste Agency will not be open to receive public waste after 12:30 PM. Waste from Contract Haulers will still be accepted at this time, unless wind conditions continue to change. Construction . . .
Answers to Questions Raised at 03/07/2024 Council Meeting
Where are the 850 feet of school trail, 1,700 feet of Village 81 Trail and nine additional tracks listed on page two of exhibit A? The agenda item was for supplemental engineering to improve the trail locations. . . .
City Confirms Broad Public Support for Project Access York
York, NE. In July 2022 the City of York was awarded $15.6 for Project Access York, a major trail and pedestrian safety project. Project Access York will fund almost 9 miles of trail expansion throughout the city, a . . .

Project Access York Trail Timeline
Project Access York will build pedestrian/bicycle safety infrastructure for York that includes an overpass over a busy highway that intersects the City, pedestrian and bicycle trails for access to jobs, . . .
Temporary Street Closure on North Grant Avenue from 19th street to Hospital
Update 6:15 PM 1/19/2024...street area is now open to traffic! Please avoid the area of North Grant from 19th Street to the Hospital. Crews are working on a water leak.

Interchange Area Public Input Session
Come be a part of shaping the future of York! See possible future ideas for the area by the interstate interchange and give your input. All ages welcome! Interchange Area Public Input Session - January 31 - 4:30 to . . .
Snow & Ice Removal Reminder
As a reminder, please refrain from depositing snow or ice on public ways. Crews are out working diligently to keep arterial streets open and starting to work on residential streets. Sec. 34-41. - Depositing snow or ice on . . .
Black Hills Energy Right of Way Work to begin on Blackburn Avenue
Black Hills Energy will be conducting work within the City Right of Way along Blackburn Avenue between 3rd street and 9th street to relocate gas utilities. This work is scheduled to begin 1/8/24 depending on the weather. Below is . . .
Snow Removal Information
The City of York does its best to clear streets in a timely manner in order to assure the safety of traveling citizens in the event of a winter storm. This policy is intended to provide a guideline as to how the city . . .
6th Street Open to Traffic!
6th Street is Open to traffic. There will be some right of way work being done in the next couple of weeks for street lights and sprinklers in the area. Further right of way ground prep and seeding will occur early next . . .
Heart of Holidays Street Closures, Parade Route and Parade Staging
Below is a map detailing the street closures, Parade Route and Parade Staging. For the Parade Staging Area, intersections will not be blocked, so that traffic can flow on side streets. Purple = Street Closure starting at 8:00 AM . . .
Blackburn Bridge now open to vehicular traffic!
The Blackburn Bridge is now open for vehicular traffic! The pedestrian sidewalk leading up to bridge on both North & South sides is closed as we are waiting for concrete to strengthen. The parking lot on the south side of the bridge is . . .

Ukraine War & Resistance Display
Kilgore Memorial Library in partnership with Nebraska World Council, Fulbright Ukraine and Creighton University Asian World Center presents Ukraine War & Resistance Photo Display. On display now at the library.
Road Construction to start on Blackburn Avenue from 14th Street to Duke Drive 9/18/2023
In the link below is a posting for Road Construction Closure on Blackburn Avenue from 14th Street to Duke Drive on the 9/18/2023, while utility relocations are occurring on the 6th Street Closure. Blackburn Avenue from 14th . . .
6th Street Utility Relocation & Steet Construction Scheduled for 9/13/2023
Construction Crews will be Closing 6th Street from Nebraska Avenue to East Avenue on the morning on 9/13/2023. Utility relocation and street reconstruction will take place during the road closure. Closure is estimated to last for . . .
Street Work Update 7/28/2023
Platte Avenue between 3rd and 4th streets is now open. Full Road Closure on Nebraska Avenue between 19th street and A street will occur on Monday July 31st. Closure Schedule

Allo Summer Music Series
Allo Fiber has partnered with Kilgore Memorial Library to host a Summer Music Series providing live music during the Relay for Life Farmer's Market, every Thursday through September 28. Sales at the market start at 5:00 and music . . .
Street Sawing to take place ahead of projected street closures
Construction Crews will be working ahead of street closure areas to complete sawing operations prior to closures. Residents may see that sidewalks and driveway approaches from the street have been cut. This is to help . . .
Steps for Food Truck Approval
The process for operating a food truck depends on the location of the food truck in York. The instructions below contain links to the forms that you will need for any York location. In City Parks: Food trucks . . .

Kilgore Memorial Library will be competing against Seward Memorial Library to see "Who Reads More on Highway 35" this summer. This adult, anyone out of high school, reading program kicks off on May 20 and ends August 28. . . .
Road Reconstruction Map
Click to open the map in a new tab to enlarge for detail. Platte Avenue Construction Update for Residents!!! Below is a map detailing temporary Mailbox relocations Marked in Blue and information for . . .
York, NE This summer road work begins in earnest on projects that have been on the city’s future plans for reconstruction for years. Construction crews have already been working to pre-cut sections on Platte Avenue. The . . .

Summer Learning at KML
Summer Learning at Kilgore Memorial Library will kick-off on May 27th at 11am!
Blackburn Bridge and Blackburn Avenue Closure Update
Reminder...Construction and street closure to the Blackburn Bridge and Blackburn Avenue area will occur Monday 2/6/2023. The construction and closure is expected to last until mid-August. A map of the construction, . . .

Now Showing Downtown Sign Sponsors
The Now Showing: Downtown sign was designed by Annie Redfern in conversation with Arts Around Town, an informal group of individuals seeking to advance public art in York. Dan Brahmsteadt offered his wall that sits at the . . .

Altered Book Club at Kilgore Memorial Library
Join us on the fourth Monday of each month for a pinterest-inspired craft at Kilgore Memorial Library.

Apply for a City Job
Come work for the City of York. Join our team for a rewarding career. Find job openings on our website under " I want to -- apply for employment " Current Openings: Building Inspector – conducting . . .

Summer Reading Club at KML
Summer Reading at KML will kick off on June 4th with a picnic from 11am to 1pm.

Summer Reading Club at KML
Summer Reading Club at KML will kick off on June 4th with a picnic from 11am to 1pm.

Safety Reminder!
If there are downed Power Lines...Stay Away! It may look De-Energized but Don't take a chance! Let the Utility Companies Survey the damage.

Stay Alert!!!
Stay Alert!!! Don’t forget to sign-up for Nixle Wire York Alerts! It’s a great way to be alerted about Advisories, Weather Alerts, Community Updates and Official Information!
York Area Solid Waste Agency is CLOSED to the Public Today 4/8/2022
Due to another day of high winds, the York Area Solid Waste Agency will be CLOSED to the Public today (4/8/2022). Don't Forget! The York County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will take place Tomorrow from 1:00 PM to . . .

Library Part-time Opportunities for Seniors
Kilgore Memorial Library has partnered with National Able Network to create part-time employment opportunities for individuals 55 or better who meet income guidelines. To learn more about qualifying guidelines, call Rebecca Tangeman at . . .

York Police Department Hiring
The York Police Department is now hiring! Scheduling allows a three-day weekend every other weekend. Very competitive pay - and a great team!
StoryWalk ® Join Parks and Recreation and Kilgore Library’s StoryWalk®! Families and individuals can now read and exercise at the same times! Look for eight different children’s books to be displayed . . .